We know that everyone always loved to be on campus for our Holiday Lights and Tree Lighting event, it is always a wonderful time.
Good news! We will still be doing this event, but as a safe-distanced drive-through. We will be raising funds, as we always do, to support our local community members who are struggling. If you'd like to make a donation online, please select the campaign or donate when you arrive.
We also request that if you can, please also bring 1-2 cans or other non-perishable food items per vehicle for the food drive.
To keep traffic at a minimum and to ensure a safe and fun time for all, we're asking that each vehicle sign up for a 15-minute time block. Before you enter the Holiday Lights event, we will be offering free hot cocoa for everyone in your vehicle. Please arrive on time so everyone can enjoy this festive event in a safe way this year!